Our Seed
We have been the trusted supplier of quality forage seed for over 25 years in Western Canada.
As we are growers and not just retailers, we are always happy to discuss the unique challenges you face with your forage operation and advise on your decision-making process in order to offer you seed that will provide you with the most benefit.
Please scroll down for seed prices* and order form.
*Prices subject to change at any time and without notice.
Delivery Options Available

Full line of pollinator and cover crops available including Daikon radish, turnips, sunflowers, clovers, birdsfoot trefoil, crimson clover, Berseem clover, common vetch, forage Brassica, kale, and buckwheat.
We would be happy to discuss these blends with you. There are government grants available for the above blends.

Alfalfa can be a very useful crop to include in a rotation for several reasons:
The nitrogen fixing capacity of the alfalfa roots can add hundreds of pounds of nitrogen to the soil.
Adding a grass or a legume into your rotation can greatly improve the soil’s ability to keep up with the disease pressure and insect pressure that comes with continuous cereal crafting.
As equipment gets larger and more farms practice zero/minimal till, the alfalfa plant is very useful for penetrating the hard pan and making the soil much more plant friendly.
Adding a grass or legume in the rotation can be almost as profitable as a cereal crop.
+ $.15 Innoculant
Common Creeping Root
+ $.15 Innoculant
Common Tap Root
+ $.15 Innoculant
Saline Tolerant
+ $.15 Innoculant
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
Red Clover
*while supplies last
Alsike Clover
Grass Seed
Meadow Brome: Certified
Crested Wheat Grass
Other Grasses Available
Meadow Brome: Common
Tall Fescue
Smooth Brome: Certified
Smooth Brome: Common
Orchard Grass
Haymaker Special: $3.75/lb
The Haymaker Special is one of the most common hay blends in Western Canada; it provides the rich alfalfa nutrients and excellent forage while the taller growth of smooth brome makes it easier to hay.
Alfalfa (3 way blend of our best alfalfas): 70%
Smooth Brome: 30%
Pasture Blends: Ask
Meadow Brome: 75%
Crested Wheat: 0-15%
Alfalfa: 5-20%
Horseman's Special: $4.95/lb
Timothy: 20-30%
Bromegrass: 20-30%
Alfalfa: 20-30%
Crested Wheat: 10-20%
Alkali Blend: $4.90/lb
This blend tolerates alkali very well and will produce excellent quality forage. It can tolerate some spring flooding but does not tolerate waterlogged soils.
Slender Wheatgrass: 25%
Russian Wild Rye: 15%
Salt-Tolerant Alfalfa (to customer preference): 15%
Smooth Brome: 25%
Crested Wheat: 20%
Custom Pasture, Forage, and Hay Blends
We offer a variety of custom pasture, forage, and hay blends.
An option for the alfalfa portion of the blend could be up to 80% of our Waterhouse blend of alfalfa, which has great standability, excellent regrowth, and is one of the leafiest alfalfas on the market. This is a tap rooted alfalfa and is our #1 selling variety. The winter hardiness of this alfalfa is excellent; we have rolling clay and sand hills which are windblown and bare some winters, however, we have seen very little damage to the crop over the years.
We always recommend mixing in about 20% creeping root variety which fills in any bare areas. This variety has a deeper crown to withstand more traffic and is very winter hardy. It is also one of the more productive varieties and provides good second cuts if the moisture is sufficient.
For the hay portion of blends, you can go with either smooth brome (for hay fields) or meadow brome for pasture blends. We have certified or common and coated or bare seed available. We also have varieties of other grasses such as timothy or orchard grass.